Everything at a glance

Here you will find an overview of our
current products as well as new
product lines that will be available soon.

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MealGood products

With MealGood, we offer customizable reusable solutions for food packaging in large-scale gastronomy and catering. We can thus implement customer-specific requirements quickly and effectively. This applies to the shape, color and size of the products. If reusable packaging presents you with special challenges in terms of cleaning, please do not hesitate to contact us! We work together with reliable and certified partners, so we can also support you in this area.

Menu bowl

Reusable bowls can be easily used for individual menus with the help of our MealGood menu bowls.

Menu bowl
Capacity: 850 ml
Dimensions: 14 × 21 cm
Height: 8cm
Color: Can be selected individually
Text and logo as printing or embossing possible.

Menu bowl with transparent lid

Our MealGood menu trays, now also with transparent lids, make it easy to use reusable trays for individual menus.

Menu bowl
Capacity: 850 ml
Dimensions: 14 × 21 cm
Height: 8cm
Color: Can be selected individually
Text and logo as printing or embossing possible.

Three-segmented bowl

Suitable for main course + two side dishes

Capacity: 900 ml
Dimensions: 29 x 23 cm
Height: 4.8 cm
Color: Can be chosen individually
Text and logo as print or embossing possible

Two segmented Bowl

Suitable for main course + side dish

Capacity: 900 ml
Dimensions: 29 x 23 cm
Height: 4.8 cm
Color: Can be selected individually
Text and logo as print or embossing possible

Menu bowl small

Small menu bowl can be used as a dessert bowl or for a small side salad, for example

Capacity: 300 ml
Diameter: 12.6 cm
Color: Can be chosen individually
Text and logo as print or embossing possible

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The MealGood return options

Depending on the catering business and customer segment, we offer different return solutions. Please feel free to get an overview of our possibilities.

MealGood Custom

Not the right one yet? Simply get in touch with us!

No tracking

You have a closed supply cycle with your customers and regularly supply the same customer base?

  • Reusable made as easy and uncomplicated as possible
  • Support during the (successive) introductory phase
  • Closed loop with constant customer base

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  • Changing customer base
  • Drop box for hygienic return


Changing clientele and still maintain an overview?

  • unique QR code per bowl
  • Tracking of the loan, reminder function for return

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  • Reusable via MealGood App
  • automatic registration of the bowls
  • Return process automation

Choose the components you need

Choose from a variety of options with our solution to easily create the perfect recipe for your needs.

Individualize MealGood

Our solutions are as individual as your requirements! We can easily customize the colors of the lids and trays - even according to your corporate colors. This way, MealGood becomes an identifiable element of sustainable development in the company.In addition, we also offer printing or engraving of our products, just as you want it.

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Frequently asked questions

Here you will find all kinds of information on questions that we are frequently asked.

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What are the MealGood products made of?

The material used is bio-based and made from renewable raw materials.

What does renewable raw material mean?

Renewable raw material means that we use raw materials that are not finite and grow again after harvesting.

Where does MealGood produce?

We produce with local partners in Germany or Saxony. For us, sustainability does not start with the disposal of our bowls, but already with supply chains and the production of our products.

How to properly dispose of the shells?

When a MealGood bowl has had its day, it should find its way back to us. Reason for this: We want the recyclable material to actually be recycled and the high-quality raw material to be reprocessed. That's why we coordinate the recycling process and the use of recyclates ourselves. Bowls can be dropped off at our partners.

A MealGood bowl has been discarded in the trash can. What happens now?

Since it is a recyclable material, our product is marked with a corresponding recycling code. Disposal via the yellow garbage can (packaging waste) is therefore unproblematic. The material is assigned and recycled according to its materiality. If the MealGood tray ends up in the residual waste, i.e. in the black garbage can, most sorting plants can recognize it and sort it out. However, if it does end up in the incinerator, it will be burned. We want to avoid that at all costs: Therefore, please return MealGood bowls to our partners.

What happens when a bowl breaks?

Should the bowl have any defects, nothing serious will happen for the time being. The material used is free of harmful substances and BPA, so there is no risk to health. Broken bowls can of course still be returned. In such a case, please contact us directly via this contact form here.

What other colors are possible?

We can customize the color of the MealGood bowls according to the customers' requirements from the purchase quantity of 2,000 pieces.

Can the bowls be tested first?

Our products can of course be tested. We can send you a sample so that you can first get an impression of our products. We will be happy to advise you on an appropriate pilot phase.

Are the products recyclable or compostable?

Our MealGood bowls are 100% recyclable. To ensure that the bowls are recycled exactly as the environment deserves, we take them back.

What is the best way to clean MealGood reusable containers?

MealGood products are dishwasher safe. They can be cleaned in the gastro dishwasher or in conventional dishwashers. Important! For the sake of the environment, we send the bowls directly to our customers after production. Therefore, it is important that they are cleaned before the first use, that is, before the first serving. Please note that food business operators are responsible for proper hygiene.

Is MealGood a rental/subscription model?

No, we currently offer neither a subscription nor rental model.

Can I also purchase a MealGood bowl as a private person?

Our MealGood bowls are not for private sale by default. Should there be interest in individual cases, then please feel free to contact us via the contact form.

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